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Thought Leadership

The Pentallect partners’ personal executive experience, coupled with their reputation as provocative and outside-the-box thought leaders, have made their pragmatic advice, opinions and insights some of the most sought after in the food industry. The Pentallect team is honored to be regularly quoted in national and leading industry publications.



Foodservice GPO Business Model Morphing

Foodservice GPO Business Model Morphing

 by:  Gary Karp | Barry Friends  September 19, 2018   In the Pentallect POV published March 9, 2017, we highlighted the initiation of a foodservice Distributor GPO (DGPO) being started by UniPro, Unity Advantage Group, to enable...

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GPO Landscape Undergoes Significant Change

GPO Landscape Undergoes Significant Change

 by:  Gary Karp  August 8, 2018   In the Pentallect POV published October 18, 2017, we highlighted the purchase of Avendra by Aramark.  In that POV we mentioned many of the large foodservice GPOs and estimated Foodbuy GPO managed spend at...

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Critical Strategic Issue: Brand Share Evolution

Critical Strategic Issue: Brand Share Evolution

 by:  Gary Karp  April 30, 2018      Recently, several articles have been published that indicate a renewed momentum in food retailing toward private label share growth. Generally speaking, whether in retail or...

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Independent Restaurants on a Bumpy Road

Independent Restaurants on a Bumpy Road

 by:  Bill Caskey | Barry Friends | Bob Goldin  January 11, 2018  For the past several years, independent restaurants have enjoyed considerable and hard- earned success and gained share. Many factors contributed to their...

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GPO Space Undergoing Major Consolidation

GPO Space Undergoing Major Consolidation

 by:  Gary Karp  October 18, 2017   Adding previous acquisitions HPSI and IPS Rebates with newly acquired Avendra raises Aramark’s GPO purchases to approximately $7-8 billion. However, while that $7-8 billion still trails...

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